Landon's Birth Story: Part 1
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of doing a maternity shoot with an adorable family I have come to know very well. You can see that post here. I first met Bianca when she was pregnant with Noah. Now, four years later, Bianca was about to have her second child, also a boy. His name is Landon.
Bianca wasn't due until September 7, but little Landon wasn't growing anymore so Bianca's physician, Dr. Maura O'Shea, decided to induce labor. The long-awaited day finally arrived. Bianca texted me a few hours after her 6 a.m. arrival at Akron City Hospital from her room in the Labor & Delivery department: room 236.
We had hoped it would be quick, but Landon had other plans. After Bianca received pitocin, a medicine that induces labor and causes the uterus to contract, things were still slow-moving. Hours went by and Bianca checked in with me frequently by text. I awaited her birth nearby, camera ready! I had planned to arrive about 3 p.m. but decided to hold off when Bianca texted that she was still only 3 cm dilated; the cervix has to be 10 cm dilated before birth can occur. We continued to wait.
About 6:30 p.m. I didn't hear from Bianca. A mean-looking storm formed over the Akron skies. After waiting 12 hours, I decided I should head to the hospital, fearing mama's silence mean it was go time.
Bianca riding the wave of a strong contraction
I arrived at the hospital at 7:45 and things were progressing well, as I suspected. It had been hours since the nurse had checked Bianca's cervix, so we did not know how dilated she was, but from her complaints about increasing pressure, I suspected Landon would make his entrance soon!
The nurse came to check on Bianca, and sure enough, she was 8 cm dilated! It was show time, and several nurses appeared to prep equipment.
A nurse talks to Bianca about her progress
Tools of the trade: instruments are laid out in preparation for Landon's birth
Landon's father, Derek, talks to Bianca in between contractions
Within minutes, Landon's long awaited birth suddenly became a very eminent reality. The nurse checked Bianca again and was surprised to see black hair emerging into the world. The nurse explained that she was literally holding back baby's head as she tried to reach Bianca's doctor. For 25 minutes, Bianca held off giving birth while waiting for Dr. O'Shea to arrive! Her legs visibly shook fighting back the intense primal urge to push. Finally, Dr. O'Shea arrived. It was time.